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2. Yujuan Wang, Song Shi, Huajun Wang, Dajian Zhu, Guochuan Yin*. Kinetics of hydrogen abstraction by active metal hydroxo and oxo intermediates: revealing their unexpected similarities in the transition state, Chem. Commun. 2012, 48, 7832-7834.

3. Yujuan Wang, Jiayi Sheng, Song Shi, Dajian Zhu, Guochuan Yin*. Influence of the net charge on the reactivity of a manganese(IV) species: Leading to the correlation of its physicochemical properties with reactivity. J. Phys. Chem. C2012, 116, 13231-13239.

4. Yujuan Wang, Song Shi, Dajian Zhu, Guochuan Yin*. The oxidative properties of a manganese(IV) hydroperoxide moiety and its relationships with the corresponding manganese(IV) oxo and hydroxo moieties, Dalton T. 2012, 41, 2612-2619.

The plausible electron transfer pathway (ET) for the MnIVOOH moiety mediated hydroxylation reaction.

Concerted oxygen transfer by the MnIV-OOH moiety