陈朱琦 教授,博士生导师,华中科技大学“华中学者”,中国城市环境卫生协会渗沥液处理专业委员会/国际合作专业委员会/市容环境卫生管理专业委员会专家委员。
E-mail: zqchen@hust.edu.cn
2001-2005 北京大学 化学与分子工程学院 本科
2005-2010 北京大学 化学与分子工程学院 博士
2010-2012 加拿大阿尔伯塔大学 化学与材料工程系 博士后
2013-至今 华中科技大学 化学化工学院 教授
国家科技部重点研发计划 2018YFC1802302 2018-2022 347万国拨+535万企业 课题负责人
国家科技部重点研发计划 2018YFC1901403 2018-2022 484万国拨+800万企业 第二,子课题负责人
国家自然科学基金青年项目 No 21303063 2014-2016 25万 课题负责人
国家自然科学基金面上项目 No 21671072 2017-2020 62万 课题负责人
深圳市科学创新委员会基础研究项目:基于活性钯催化氧化的生活垃圾渗沥液中难降解污染物处理技术研究 2016-2019 50万 项目负责人
住建部标准司固废标准编制项目 2016-2017 35万 项目负责人
校企合作项目:渗沥液浓缩液催化氧化处理研究 2015-2019 90万 课题负责人
发表论文45篇(其中影响因子大于6的25篇,影响因子大于10的6篇),引用1600余次,H因子为25。包括中科院一区论文20篇, ESI高被引论文3篇,封面文章1篇、编辑选择1篇。公开及授权专利11项,软件著作权登记软件2项,主编国家/行业/地方标准7项。作为第一完成人的污染控制化学科研成果获2018年中国产学研合作创新成果奖。多次参加国内国际学术会议并作邀请报告,与美国,加拿大、韩国等国家著名高校有着密切的联系与合作。
华中科技大学 学术新人奖
第六届国际配位化学会议 最佳墙报奖
北京大学 优秀博士毕业论文
1. 国家标准“碟管式膜处理设备GB/T33758-2017”,中国标准出版社,2017,第三;
2. 国家标准“生活垃圾卫生填埋场环境监测技术要求GB/T18772”, 中国标准出版社,2017, 第四;
3. 行业标准“生活垃圾渗沥液膜生物反应处理系统技术规程CJJ /T264-2017”中国建筑工业出版社,2017,主编;
4. 行业标准“生活垃圾渗沥液处理技术导则” RISN-TG009-023,中国建筑工业出版社,2016,主编;
5. 行业标准“粪便处理厂运行维护及其安全技术标准CJJ 30-2018”,住建部,主编;
6. 行业标准“垃圾填埋场生态修复技术规范”(送审稿),住建部,主编;
7. 行业标准“餐厨垃圾处理厂运行维护技术规程” (送审稿),住建部,参编;
8. 行业标准“粪便处理厂设计规范CJJ64” (送审稿),住建部,主要起草人;
9. 地方标准“水泥窑协同处置生活垃圾工程项目建设标准“(送审稿),湖北省质监局/湖北省住建厅,主要起草人;
10. 地方标准“生活垃圾水泥窑协同处置评价标准” (送审稿),湖北省质监局/湖北省住建厅,负责人/主编;
11. 地方标准“废旧纺织品收集与利用技术要求”,深圳市质监局,主编;
[1] Lotfi Sellaoui, Fatma Dhaouadi, Sonia Taamalli, Hanan Yahya Saeed AlZahrani, Florent Louis, Abderrahman El Bakali, Alessandro Erto, Abdelmottaleb Ben Lamine, Diana Ramos Lima, Eder Claudio Lima, Zhuqi Chen, Application of a multilayer physical model for the critical analysis of the adsorption of nicotinamide and propranolol on magnetic‑activated carbon, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022, 29, 30184–30192.
[2] Lotfi Sellaoui, Samia Yahyaoui, Sonia Taamalli, Zainab Srour, Dison Franco, Matias Schadeck Netto, Jordana Georgin, Adrián Bonilla-Petriciolet, Florent Louis, Abderrahman El Bakali, Valérie Fèvre-Nollet, Guilherme Luiz Dotto, Alessandro Erto, Abdemottaleb Ben Lamine, Zhuqi Chen, A study of single and quaternary adsorption of Cu2+, Co2+, Ni2+ and Ag+ on sludge modified by alkaline fusion, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 433-3, 133674.
[3] Chen Tan, Hongwu Jiang, Miao Zeng, Kaiwen Li, Zhuqi Chen, Guochuan Yin, Pd(Ⅱ)/Lewis acid catalyzed regioselective olefination of indole with dioxygen, Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 2022, 87, 13919.
[4] Dan Li, Jawad Ali, Ajmal Shahzad, Eman Abdelnasser Gendy, Hui Nie, Wang Jiang, Haoliang Xiao, Zhuqi Chen, Songlin Wang, Persulfate coupled with Cu2+/LDH-MoS4: A novel process for the efficient atrazine abatement, mechanism and degradation pathway, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 436, 134933.
[5] Eman Abdelnasser Gendy, Daniel Temitayo Oyekunle, Jerosha Ifthikar, Ali Jawad, Zhuqi Chen, A review on the adsorption mechanism of different organic contaminants by covalent organic framework (COF) from the aquatic environment, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022, 29, 32566–32593.
[6] Daniel T. Oyekunle, Eman A. Gendy, Jerosha Ifthikar, Zhuqi Chen, Heterogeneous activation of persulfate by metal and non-metal catalyst for the degradation of sulfamethoxazole: A review, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 437-1, 135277.
[7] Jerosha Ifthikar, Meng meng Zhao, Lotfi Sellaoui, Daniel T. Oyekunle, Jinqiu Li, Zehua Zeng, Siqi Wang, BeiBei Wu, Jia Wang, Zhuqi Chen, Phosphate sequestration by lanthanum-layered rare earth hydroxides through multiple mechanisms while avoiding the attenuation effect from sediment particles in lake water, Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 830, 154786.
[8] Irshad Ibran Shahib, Jerosha Ifthikar, Daniel T. Oyekunle, Zouhair Elkhlifi, Ali Jawad, Jia Wang, Wenli Lei, Zhuqi Chen, Influences of Chemical treatment on Sludge Derived Biochar; Physicochemical Properties and Potential Sorption Mechanisms of Lead (II) and Methylene blue, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2022, 10-3, 107725.
[9] Eman A. Gendy, Ahmed I. Khodair, Asmaa M. Fahim, Daniel T. Oyekunle, Zhuqi Chen, Synthesis, characterization, antibacterial activities, molecular docking, and computational investigation of novel imine-linked covalent organic framework, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2022, 358, 119191.
[10] Ajmal Shahzad, Jawad Ali, Muhammad Wajid Ullah, Gebremedhin G Aregay, Jerosha Ifthikar, Sehrish Manan, Guang Yang, Zhulei Chen, Zhuqi Chen, Interlayered modified hydroxides for removal of graphene oxide from water: Mechanism and secondary applications, Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 284, 120305.
[11] Xinquan Zhou, Qindi Zhao, Jia Wang, Xuefeng Wei, Ruichang Zhang, Songlin Wang, Peng Liu, Zhuqi Chen, Effects of foreign metal doping on the step by-step oxidation process in M-OMS-2 catalyzed activation of PMS, 2022, 434, 128773.
[12] Shitai Shen, Xinquan Zhou, Qindi Zhao, Wang Jiang, Jia Wang, Liuyang He, Yongfei Ma, Zulin Zhang, Lie Yang, Zhuqi Chen, Understanding the nonradical activation of peroxymonosulfate by different crystallographic MnO2: the pivotal role of MnIII content on the surface, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 439, 129613.
[13] Shitai Shen, Wang Jiang, Qindi Zhao, Liuyang He, Yongfei Ma, Xinquan Zhou, Jia Wang, Lie Yang, Zhuqi Chen, Molten-salts assisted preparation of iron-nitrogen-carbon catalyst for efficient degradation of acetaminophen by periodate activation, Science of The Total Environment, 2023, 859-1, 160001.
[14] Kaiwen Li, Hongwu Jiang, Miao Zeng, Chen Tan, Zhuqi Chen, Guochuan Yin, Observing the Agostic Hydrogen in Pd(II)-Catalyzed Aromatic C-H Activation, The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2022.
[15] Liuyang He, Shangding Yang, Lie Yang, Shitai Shen, Yulong Li, Dejin Kong, Zhuqi Chen, Shengmao Yang, Jia Wang, Li Wu, Zulin Zhang, Ball milling-assisted preparation of sludge biochar as a novel periodate activator for nonradical degradation of sulfamethoxazole: Insight into the mechanism of enhanced electron transfer, Environmental Pollution, 2023, 316-2, 120620.
[16] Guangjian Liao, Fuming Mei, Zhuqi Chen, Guochuan Yin, Lewis acid improved dioxygen activation by a non-heme iron(Ⅱ) complex towards tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase activity for olefin oxygenation, Dalton Transactions, 2022.
[17] Hongwu Jiang, Kaiwen Li, Miao Zeng, Chen Tan, Zhuqi Chen, Guochuan Yin, Pd(II)/Lewis Acid Catalyzed Intramolecular Annulation of Indolecarboxamides with Dioxygen through Dual C-H Activation, The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2022, 87,21.
[18] Miao Zeng, Hongwu Jiang, Kaiwen Li, Zhuqi Chen, and Guochuan Yin, Palladium(II)/Lewis Acid-Catalyzed Olefination of Arylacetamides with Dioxygen, The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2022, 87, 7, 4524−4537.
[19] Jia Wang, Zhuwei Liao, Jiayi Cai, Siqi Wang, Fang Luo, Jerosha Ifthikar, Songlin Wang, Xinquan Zhou, Zhuqi Chen, Treatment of Coking Wastewater by α-MnO2/Peroxymonosulfate Process via Direct Electron Transfer Mechanism, Catalysts, 2022, 12, 1359.
[20] 周新全, 张露云, 席爽, 汪佳, 陈朱琦. 多相过硫酸盐催化体系中不同氧化进程对渗滤液有机污染的转化特征[J]. 环境卫生工程, 2022, 30(02): 74-80.
[21] 蔡伽怡, 席爽, 王思淇, 姜旺, 汪佳, 陈朱琦. 填埋场好氧修复过程中细菌群落结构和功能的变化趋势研究[J]. 环境卫生工程,2022, 30(03): 70-76.
[1] Jia Wang, Zhuqi Chen, Xiaojuan Lang, Songlin Wang, Lie Yang, Xiaolong Wu, Xinquan Zhou, Zhulei Chen, Quantitative evaluation of infectious health care wastes from numbers of confirmed, suspected and out-patients during COVID-19 pandemic: A case study of Wuhan, Waste Management, 2021, 126, 323–330.
[2] Xinquan Zhou, Ali Jawad, Mengyi Luo, Chunguang Luo, Tingting Zhang, Huabin Wang, Jia Wang, Songlin Wang, Zhulei Chen, Zhuqi Chen, Regulating activation pathway of Cu/persulfate through the incorporation of unreducible metal oxides: Pivotal role of surface oxygen vacancies, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2021, 286, 119914.
[3] Daniel T. Oyekunle, Beibei Wu, Fang Luo, Jawad Ali, Zhuqi Chen, Synergistic effects of Co and N doped on graphitic carbon as an in situ surface-bound radical generation for the rapid degradation of emerging contaminants, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 421, 129818.
[4] Daniel T. Oyekunle, Dan Li, Li Zheng, Fang Luo, Songlin Wang, Zhuqi Chen, Enhanced degradation of organic compounds through the interfacial transfer of electrons in the presence of phosphate and Nitrogen-cobalt doped graphitic carbon, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2022, 607 1641–1650.
[5] Jerosha Ifthikar, Irshad Ibran Shahib, Jawad Ali, Eman A. Gendy, Siqi Wang, BeiBei Wu, Zhuqi Chen, Zhulei Chen, The excursion covered for the elimination of chromate by exploring the coordination mechanisms between chromium species and various functional groups, Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 2021, 437, 213868.
[6] Jerosha Ifthikar, Mengmeng Zhao, Ajmal Shahzad, Irshad Ibran Shahib, Jia Wang, Huabin Wang, Lotfi Sellaoui, Zhuqi Chen, Zhulei Chen, Recyclable process modeling study of hexavalent chromium elimination by thiol-based electron donor: Implications for practical applicability, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2021, 9, 105645.
[7] Beibei Wu, Jerosha Ifthikar (Co-first Author), Daniel T. Oyekunle, Jawad Ali, Zhuqi Chen, Zhulei Chen, Lotfi Sellaoui, Mohamed Bouzid, Interpret the elimination behaviors of lead and vanadium from the water by employing functionalized biochars in diverse environmental conditions, Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 789, 148031.
[8] Jawad Ali, Wang Jiang, Ajmal Shahzad, Jerosha Ifthikar, Xiuru Yang, Beibei Wu, Danial T. Oyekunle, Wang Jia, Zhulei Chen, Zhuqi Chen, Isolated coper ions and surface hydroxyl groups as function of non-redox metals to modulate the reactivity and persulfate activation mechanism of spinal oxides Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 425, 130679.
[9] Gebremedhin G. Aregay, Jawad Ali, Zhuqi Chen, Enhanced simultaneous removal of toxic (SeO4)2− and metals Cr3+ and Cu2+ using polysulfide intercalated Layered double hydroxide, Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 279, 119649.
[10] Gebremedhin G. Aregay, Jawad Ali, Ajmal Shahzad, Jerosha Ifthikar, Daniel T. Oyekunle, Zhuqi Chen, Application of layered double hydroxide enriched with electron rich sulfi de moieties (S2O42-) for efficient and selective removal of vanadium (V) from diverse aqueous medium, Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 792, 148543.
[11] Eman A. Gendy, Daniel T. Oyekunle, Jawad Ali, Jerosha Ifthikar, Ahmed I. El-Motaleb Mosad Ramadan, Zhuqi Chen, High-performance removal of radionuclides by porous organic frameworks from the aquatic environment: A review, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 2021, 238-239, 106710.
[12] Lotfi Sellaoui, Michael Badawi, Antonio Monari, Tetiana Tatarchuk, Sonia Jemli, Guilherme Luiz Dotto Adrian Bonilla-Petriciolet, Zhuqi Chen, Make it clean, make it safe: A review on virus elimination via adsorption, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 412, 128682.
[13] Lotfi Sellaoui, Luis F.O. Silva, Michael Badawi, Jawad Ali, Nathália Favarin, Guilherme L. Dotto, Alessandro Erto, Zhuqi Chen, Adsorption of ketoprofen and 2- nitrophenol on activated carbon prepared from winery wastes: A combined experimental and theoretical study, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2021, 333, 115906.
[14] Lotfi Sellaoui, Amira Yazidi, Jawad Ali, Guilherme Luiz Dotto, Adrian Bonilla-Petriciolet, Luis F. S. Oliveira, Michael Badawi, Zhuqi Chen, Theoretical study and analysis of o-nitrophenol adsorption using layered double hydroxides containing Ca-Al, Ni-Al and Zn-Al, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021, 28, 44547–44556.
[15] Lotfi Sellaoui, Fatma Dhaouadi, Zichao Li, Tito R.S. Cadaval Jr, Andrei V. Igansi, Luiz A.A. Pinto, Guilherme L. Dotto, Adrian Bonilla-Petriciolet, Diana Pinto, Zhuqi Chen, Implementation of a multilayer statistical physics model to interpret the adsorption of food dyes on a chitosan film, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2021, 9, 105516.
[16] Lotfi Sellaoui, Fatma Dhaouadi, Hilda Elizabeth Reynel-Avila, Didilia Ileana Mendoza-Castillo, Adrián Bonilla-Petriciolet, Radames Trejo-Valencia, Sonia Taamalli, Florent Louis, Abderrahman El Bakali, Zhuqi Chen, Physicochemical assessment of anionic dye adsorption on bone char using a multilayer statistical physics model, Environ Sci Pollut Res, 2021, 28(47), 67248-67255.
[17] Lotfi Sellaoui, Amira Yazidi, Sonia Taamalli, Adrián Bonilla-Petriciolet, Florent Louis, Abderrahman El Bakali, Michael Badawi, Eder C. Lima, Diana R. Lima, Zhuqi Chen, Adsorption of 3-aminophenol and resorcinol on avocado seed activated carbon: Mathematical modelling, thermodynamic study and description of adsorbent performance, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2021, 342, 116952.
[18] Daniel T. Oyekunle, Xinquan Zhou, Ajmal Shahzad, Zhuqi Chen, Review on carbonaceous materials as persulfate activators: structure-performance relationship, mechanism and future perspectives on water treatment, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2021, 9, 8012–8050.
[19] Daniel T. Oyekunle, Jiayi Cai, Eman A. Gendy, Zhuqi Chen, Impact of chloride ions on activated persulfates based advanced oxidation process (AOPs): A mini review, Chemosphere, 2021, 280, 130949.
[20] Eman A. Gendy, Jerosha Ifthikar, Jawad Ali, Daniel T. Oyekunle, Zouhair Elkhlifia, Irshad Ibran Shahib, Ahmed I. Khodair, Zhuqi Chen, Removal of heavy metals by covalent organic frameworks (COFs): A review on its mechanism and adsorption properties, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2021, 9(4), 105687.
[21] Zouhair Elkhlifi, Muhammad Kamran, Ahsan Maqbool, Ali El-Naggar, Jerosha Ifthikar, Aasma Parveen, Saqib Bashir, Muhammad Rizwan, Adnan Mustafa, Sana Irshad, Shafaqat Ali, Zhuqi Chen, Phosphate-lanthanum coated sewage sludge biochar improved the soil properties and growth of ryegrass in an alkaline soil, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2021, 216, 112173.
[22] Yan Ma, Zhen-Hai Liu, Bei-Dou Xi, Wen-Tao Li, Yan-Qiu Xu, Hang-Zheng Zhao, Zhu-Qi Chen, Xiao-Song He, Baoshan Xing, Molecular structure and evolution characteristics of dissolved organic matter in groundwater near landfill: Implications of the identification of leachate leakage, Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 787, 147649.
[23] Jinlian Zhu, Yu Lei, Zhuqi Chen, Yonggui Liao, Guochuan Yin, Feasible synthesis of bifurfural from renewable furfural derived 5-bromo-furfural for polymerization, Molecular Catalysis, 2021, 513, 111814.
[24] Miao Zeng, Jing-Wen Xue, Hongwu Jiang, Kaiwen Li, Yunong Chen, Zhuqi Chen, Guochuan Yin, Decarboxylative Addition of Propiolic Acids with Indoles to Synthesize Bis(indolyl)methane Derivatives with a Pd(II)/LA Catalyst, The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2021, 86, 8333−8350.
[25] Chuanbin Zhou, Shijun Ma, Xiao Yu, Zhuqi Chen, Jingru Liu, Li Yan, A comparison study of bottom-up and top-down methods for analyzing the physical composition of municipal solid waste, Journal of Industrial Ecology, 2021, 1–12.
[26] Zouhair Elkhlifi, Lotfi Sellaoui, Mengmeng Zhao, Jerosha Ifthikar, Ali Jawad, Irshad Ibran Shahib, Badreddine Sijilmassi, Altaf Hussain Lahori, Rangabhashiyam Selvasembian, Lucas Meili, Eman Abdelnasser Gendy, Zhuqi Chen, Lanthanum hydroxide engineered sewage sludge biochar for efficient phosphate elimination: Mechanism interpretation using physical modelling, Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 803, 149888.
[27] Jia Wang, Jiayi Cai, Siqi Wang, Xinquan Zhou, Xintao Ding, Jawad Ali, Li Zheng, Songlin Wang, Lie Yang, Shuang Xi, Mingju Wang, Zhuqi Chen, Biochar-based activation of peroxide: multivariate-controlled performance, modulatory surface reactive sites and tunable oxidative species, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 428, 131233.
[28] Xinquan Zhou, Qindi Zhao, Yongjing Tian, Jia Wang, Ali Jawad, Songlin Wang, Zhulei Chen, Zhuqi Chen, Identification of step-by-step oxidation process and its driving mechanism in the peroxymonosulfate catalytically activated with redox metal oxides, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 436, 131256.
[29] Xinquan Zhou, Qindi Zhao, Jia Wang, Zhulei Chen, Zhuqi Chen, Nonradical oxidation processes in PMS-based heterogeneous catalytic system: Generation, identification, oxidation characteristics, challenges response and application prospects, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 410: 128312.
[30] Lotfi Sellaoui, Etienne Paul Hessou, Michael Badawi, Matias Schadeck Netto, Guilherme Luiz Dotto, Luis Felipe Oliveira Silva, Frederik Tielens, Jerosha Ifthikar, Adrian Bonilla Petriciolet, Zhuqi Chen, Trapping of Ag+ , Cu2+, and Co2+ by faujasite zeolite Y: New interpretations of the adsorption mechanism via DFT and statistical modeling investigation, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 420, 127712.
[31] Jawad Ali, Ajmal Shahzad, Jia Wang, Jerosha Ifthikar, Wenli Lei, Gebremedhin G. Aregay, Zhulei Chen, Zhuqi Chen, Modulating the redox cycles of homogenous Fe(III) /PMS system through constructing electron rich thiomolybdate centres in confined layered double hydroxides. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 408, 127242.
[32] 汪佳, 周新全, 蔡伽怡等. 老填埋场原位好氧稳定化技术气体循环系统工艺设计与计算研究[J]. 环境卫生工程, 2021, 29(03): 26-30+38.
[33] 汪佳, 周新全, 蔡伽怡等. 老填埋场原位好氧稳定化技术液体循环系统工艺设计参数研究[J]. 环境卫生工程, 2021, 29(02): 82-87.
[1] Lie Yang, Xiao Yu, Xiaolong Wu, Jia Wang, Xiaoke Yan, Shen Jiang, Zhuqi Chen, Emergency response to the burst growth of health care waste during COVID-19 pandemic in Wuhan, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 2021, 164, 105074.
[2] Huabin Wang, Jiayi Cai, Zhuwei Liao, Ali Jawad, Jerosha Ifthikar, Zhulei Chen, Zhuqi Chen, Black liquor as biomass feedstock to prepare zero-valent iron embedded biochar with red mud for Cr(VI) removal: Mechanisms insights and engineering practicality, Bioresource Techonology, 2020, 311, 123553.
[3] Jerosha Ifthikar, Irshad Ibran Shahib, Lotfi Sellaoui, Ali Jawad, Mengmeng Zhao, Zhuqi Chen, Zhulei Chen, pH tunable anionic and cationic heavy metal reduction coupled adsorption by thiol cross-linked composite: Physicochemical interpretations and fixed bed column mathematical model study, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 401, 126041.
[4] Jawad Ali, Wenli Lei, Ajmal Shahzad, Jerosha Ifthikar, Gebremedhin G. Agregay, Irhsad Ibran Shahib, Zouhair Elkhlifi, Zhulei Chen, Zhuqi Chen, Regulating the redox centers of Fe through the enrichment of Mo moiety for persulfate activation: A new strategy to achieve maximum persulfate utilization efficiency, Water Research, 2020, 181, 115862.
[5] Zehua Zeng, Aimal Khan, Zixuan Wang,Mengmeng Zhao, Wanling Mo,Zhuqi Chen. Elimination of atrazine through radical/non-radical combined processes by manganese nano-catalysts/PMS and implications to the structure-performance relationship. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 397, 125425.
[6] Jia Wang, Min Shen, Hailong Wang, Yusheng Du, Xinquan Zhou, Zhuwei Liao, Huabin Wang, Zhuqi Chen, Red mud modified sludge biochar for the activation of peroxymonosulfate: singelt oxygen dominated mechanism and toxicity prediction, Science of the total environment, 2020, 740, 140388.
[7] Xinquan Zhou, Chunguang Luo, Mengyi Luo, Qiliang Wang, Jia Wang, Zhuwei Liao, Zhulei Chen, Zhuqi Chen, Understanding the synergetic effect from foreign metals in bimetallic oxides for PMS activation: A common strategy to increase the stoichiometric efficiency of oxidants, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 381, 122587.
[8] Jerosha Ifthikar, Zhuqi Chen, Zhulei Chen, Ali Jawad, A Self-Gating Proton-coupled Electron Transfer Reduction of Hexavalent Chromium by Core-shell SBA-Dithiocarbamate Chitosan Composite, Journal of hazardous materials, 2020, 384, 121257.
[9] Ali Jawad, Kun Zhan, Haibin Wang, Ajmal Shahzad, Zehua Zeng, Jia Wang, Xinquan Zhou, Habib Ullah, Zhulei Chen, Zhuqi Chen, Tuning of Persulfate Activation from a Free Radical to a Nonradical Pathway through the Incorporation of Non-Redox Magnesium Oxide. Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54, 2476-2488.
[10] Jia Wang, Qing Gong, Jawad Ali, Min Shen, Jiayi Cai, Xinquan Zhou, Zhuwei Liao, Songlin Wang, Zhuqi Chen, pH-dependent Transformation Products And Residual Toxicity Evaluation Of Sulfamethoxazole Degradation Through Non-Radical Oxygen Species Involved Process, Chemical Engneering Journal, 2020, 390, 124512.
[11] Ajmal Shahzad, Jawad Ali, Jerosh Ifthikar, Gebremedhin G Aregay, Jingyi Zhu, Zhulei Chen, Zhuqi Chen, Non-radical PMS activation by the nanohybrid material with periodic confinement of reduced graphene oxide (rGO) and Cu hydroxides, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 392, 122316.
[12] Jia Wang, Min Shen, Qing Gong, Xianghui Wang, Jiayi Cai, Songlin Wang, Zhuqi Chen, One-step preparation of ZVI-sludge derived biochar without external source of iron and its application on persulfate activation, Science of the total environment, 2020, 714, 136728.
[13] Huabin Wang, Siqi Wang, Zhulei Chen, Xinquan Zhou, Jia Wang, Zhuqi Chen. Engineered biochar with anisotropic layered double hydroxide nanosheets to simultaneously and efficiently capture Pb2+ and CrO42− from electroplating wastewater. Bioresource technology, 2020, 306, 123118.
[14] Lotfi Sellaoui, Jawad Ali, Michael Badawi, Adrian Bonilla-Petriciolet, Zhuqi Chen, Understanding the adsorption mechanism of Ag+ and Hg2+ on functionalized layered double hydroxide via statistical physics modeling, Applied Clay Science, 2020, 198, 105828.
[15] Lotfi Sellaoui, Huabin Wang, Michael Badawi, Adrian Bonilla-Petriciolet, Zhuqi Chen, Synergistic adsorption of Pb2+ and CrO42− on an engineered biochar highlighted by statistical physical modeling, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2020, 312, 113483.
[16] Lotfi Sellaoui, Zichao Li, Michael Badawid Guilherme Luiz Dotto, Adrian Bonilla-Petriciolet, Zhuqi Chen, Origin of the outstanding performance of Zn-Al and Mg-Fe layered double hydroxides in the adsorption of 2-nitrophenol: A statistical physics assessment, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2020, 314, 113572.
[17] Yu Lei, Sicheng Zhang, Guanfei Shen, Jinlian Zhu, Jingwen Xue, Zhuqi Chen, Guochuan Yin, Feasible Synthesis of a Bifuran-Based Monomer for Polymer Synthesis from a Hemicellulose-Derived Platform, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020, 59, 19876−19883.
[18] Jingwen Xue, Miao Zeng, Hongwu Jiang, Kaiwen Li, Zhuqi Chen, Guochuan Yin, Palladium(II)/Lewis Acid-Catalyzed Oxidative Olefination/Annulation of N‑Methoxybenzamides: Identifying the Active Intermediates through NMR Characterizations, The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2020, 85, 8760−8772.
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